Edku Lake, the third largest in the system of the northern coastal wetlands in\nEgypt, situated on the west part of Nile Delta, is considered as an important\nfishing area in Egypt. The lake suffers from high levels of aquatic vegetation\nand from the expansion in fish farming and agricultural discharges. To solve\nlake water quality problems, the study aims to develop the multi-criteria\nanalysis (MCA) framework capable of evaluating the proposed lake water\nquality improvement scenarios. The work tasks were divided into two phases.\nIn the first phase, many proposed scenarios involved on primary, secondary,\nsurface wetland, biological biofilm, and adding a new artificial inlet were\nproposed by applying Surface-water Modeling System (SMS) with two dimensional\nhydrodynamic. The second phase involved in developing the required\nhierarchical MCA based on an integrated technical, environmental,\neconomic and socio-community indicators. The main results of MCA showed\nthat the water quality management scenario focusing on combination of applying\nbiological biofilm technique for drain effluents and also adding a new\nartificial inlet at the northern lake region can represent the optimum scenario\nfor solving the lake water quality problems.